When the action is non-stop and fish are biting during your night fishing trip, one of the worst things that can occur for both expert and beginning fishermen is line trouble. Fishing line dilemmas, such as line twists and backlash, can put brakes on your outing. Fortunately, several fishing line issues can be easily lessened or avoided by spooling a baitcaster reel in advance.
Spooling a baitcaster reel can be intimidating for someone who does not know how to spool a baitcasting reel. To make the whole process easy and also ensure that you have a successful day after wearing your fishing shirt, we have created this guide to show you how to spool a baitcasting reel.
Step by Step Guide on How to Spool a Baitcasting Reel
If you follow the steps outlined below, having a difficult time while spooling a baitcaster reel should be a thing of the past. If you intend to spool your baitcaster reel while following the steps below, make sure you have the fishing trip equipment beforehand.
Step 1: If your goal is to use your braided fishing line, attach the line to a monofilament line. Make use of the double Uni knot.
Step 2: Set up the baitcaster in a way that keeps it level with the spool of the line you intend to use. Make sure that your spool is set up to rotate freely when you begin reeling the line onto your reel’s spool.
Step 3: Pass the line that you intend to attach to the reel spool through the level wind. The line should be passed under and then over the reel spool. Next, tie the abhor knot.
Note: Do not forget to trim the tag after tying the knot. If you are spooling with your reel on the butt end blank, you can pass the line through the line guide eyelets.
Step 4: While ensuring that the line stays tight, initiate reeling, at a constant and decent speed. The level wind on your reel is supposed to be the fishing line being spooled evenly across the entire spool width.
Step 5: Keep spooling the fishing line until it reaches about 1/8 inches from the top of your spool mounts.
Note: You are allowed to add more. However, ensure that your spool is capable of rotating without touching any part of your reel.
Step 6: After spooling a baitcaster reel fully, you can leave enough fishing line to thread through the saltwater fishing rod guides and also tie to your lure.
Step 7: Now, you can go and catch bass or any other fish species you are interested in.
Use Monofilament Backing to Line Your Baitcaster
The braided fishing line has a large number of benefits. Some of the benefits include an impressive strength to diameter ratio and a stretch-free design. However, the line is generally very slick, which often leads to backlash, line slippage, and drag issues on your baitcaster spool. If you intend to enjoy the advantages offered by the braided fishing line while avoiding the issues caused by its slickness, using the monofilament fishing line as backing before spooling a baitcaster reel with a braided line is necessary.
The monofilament backing will hold the reel much more easily. Even if your line happens to run out when you are on your favorite deep-sea fishing spot, you should still have a functional drag system.
If you intend to spool a different type of line, you may not need to use the mono backing. It is, however, worth noting that the line shouldn’t be slick.
Apart from eliminating issues caused by the braided lines’ slickness, another reason most anglers use the mono backing is if they are using a huge reel with a braid or a fluorocarbon fishing line. Both lines can be expensive. To avoid spending too much money trying to fill the reel, most people will invest in the more affordable monofilament line. Filling the reel is necessary to avoid casting and other reel performance issues.
There is no rule stating the amount of monofilament line needed as backing when spooling a baitcaster reel. You will have to use your judgment and observation to figure out the ideal amount of mono backing. However, if you intend to just keep the braided line from slipping, 10 yards of monofilament line may be enough. If your goal is to fill up your reel, you may need more mono line.
The Knots to Use
When learning how to spool a baitcasting reel, one thing that you need to pay special attention to is the types of knots you use. Generally, the type of knot you will be using when spooling a baitcaster reel will be largely dependent on the type of fishing line you will be using.
If after understanding how to spool a baitcasting reel you decide you will be using the monofilament line during your fishing trip, the abhor knot should be ideal for attaching the line to your reel. If you are using a different type of line, say the braided line, but you intend to use the mono backing when spooling a baitcaster reel, you can also use the abhor knot.
The abhor knot is not too complicated to tie. Another advantage of the knot is that added pressure makes it tighter instead of causing it to fail.
If you would like to attach the braided line to the spool, you can make use of the abhor knot. However, if you notice that grip does not exist on the surface of the reel, make sure that you use the monofilament backing.
If the monofilament is only working as a backing on your baitcaster reel, you will have to use a fishing line knot to attach the monofilament to the braided line. The best knot for connecting 2 different fishing lines is the double Uni knot.
When compared to the abhor knot, the double Uni knot is more complicated to tie. You might have to practice tying the knot a couple of times to get it right.
The reason the double Uni knot is recommended for use when connecting two different fishing lines is that it is low profile. Additionally, if you get taken all the way to your mono fishing line, it won’t get hung up off your guide’s eyelets. The double Uni knot is also capable of keeping both the braided fishing line and the monofilament in ideal alignment without kinks. The knot is also incredibly strong, which means it won’t fail when under pressure.
If you intend to attach a backing when spooling a baitcaster reel, it is much easier to connect the 2 lines before going ahead and initiating the spooling process. After connecting the lines using the double Uni knot, you can then go ahead and tie your backing to the reel. This, however, will depend on personal preference. With practice, you should determine the sequence of events that works best for you.
If you intend to go saltwater fishing in incredibly clear waters, you may prefer to use the fluorocarbon leader, which is less visible, compared to the braided fishing line. Fishing experts recommend attaching the fluorocarbon leader to the braided line using the Palomar knot.
Understanding how to spool a baitcasting reel without taking your time to learn the different types of knots you may need may not be very helpful. You may still end up dealing with frustrations once you grab your fishing hat and get on the water.
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Tips on How to Spool a Baitcasting Reel
Even with steps showing you how to spool a baitcasting reel, the whole process may still be frustrating, especially if you do not have tips to help you through it. The tips outlined below can turn the whole process of spooling a baitcaster reel into a fun activity.
1. Ensure a Level Exists Between the Fishing Line and the Reel
When spooling a baitcaster reel, you have to ensure that both the reel you are spooling and the fishing lines are in a level position. Also, you should ensure that the line is positioned to rotate freely as you continue rotating the handle.
This will make it possible for you to lay the line down evenly across the width of the spool. If maintaining the level and free fishing line rotation with homemade remedies is proving to be hard for you, you can invest in commercial solutions.
2. Make Sure the Fishing Line is Tight
When spooling a baitcaster reel, you must ensure the line stays tight when it is coming to your spool. If you manage to keep the fishing line tight when spooling, you will be guaranteed more comfort on your fishing chair since you will face far fewer issues.
A slack fishing line going to your baitcaster reel spool is an ideal way to introduce knots and tangles deep in the spool. If not corrected, this can eventually reduce the amount of fishing line. Additionally, it can hurt the performance when you are casting your baitcaster. Spooling a slack fishing line greatly increases your chances of having to deal with the backlash.
3. Keep Your Hand on the Line Close to the Reel
If you are learning how to spool a baitcasting reel using a commercial spooling stand, this may not be necessary. However, if you are on a budget and you decide to go with a homemade design, keeping your off-hand on the fishing line, just before it comes to the reel, may be necessary.
Adding pressure with both your finger and thumb to the line coming in will help you achieve an even layer. It will also make it possible for you to keep the line tight.
4. Ensure the Line Spool Stays Below 1/8 Inches from the Spool Mounts
To ensure efficiency when you are fishing your trout lures using your baitcaster reel, make sure that the spooled fishing line stays clear of the surrounding reel. Adjust the line to achieve 100% free rotation.
The type of fishing line you are using can impact the amount that you can spool. For example, you will be able to get more 15-pound test braided line on the baitcaster reel that you would the 15-pound test monofilament line. As you have probably guessed, the reason is that the braided line is thinner than the monofilament line.
5. Avoid Over-Spooling and Under-Spooling
It is not uncommon for anglers who have just learned how to spool a baitcasting reel to add more line to the reel than it was designed to hold. While it can be satisfying to know that you did manage to add more fishing to your baitcaster reel, this may not be a good idea.
Once you are on the waters, you may end up being frustrated. To avoid annoying issues, make sure that your baitcaster reel carries as much line as it was designed to carry.
Under-spooling can be as bad as over-spooling. To achieve a full spool, you should invest in more fishing line than you think you will need. It is better to have a left-over fishing line after filling your baitcaster reel than to have issues when trying to reel in a catch because the reel is not full.
Globo Surf Overview
Contrary to what a large number of beginning anglers think, spooling a baitcaster reel entails more than simply winding your fishing line onto the spool as quickly as you can. While you may think that you are saving time by winding the line quickly on your spool, you may end up regretting your decision once you are on the waters.
A poorly spooled reel with a poor fishing line alignment will eventually end up in tangles and a mess of line sitting atop the baitcaster. If you have to deal with backlashes and line twists on your fishing trip, chances are, you will go back home frustrated and with no fish. By following the steps and tips outlined in this article, spooling a baitcaster reel should become easier for you.
Fishing Reels Reviews:
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