As a kayaking enthusiast, you probably don’t like the idea of snow keeping you away from your kayak seat. Maybe it is the winter season and you are tired of wearing your winter kayaking gear and kayaking in water. Often, kayakers do ask themselves, “why not just try the snow?”.
To both experienced kayakers and kayak beginners, snow kayaking can be confusing. In this article, we intend to answer the question, is kayaking in the snow possible?
Can You Kayak in the Snow?
Kayaking in the snow is possible. While the sport is not yet common, it is currently taking off. More people are becoming interested in snow kayaking.
Instead of letting your summer kayaking memories fade away with each shovel full of snow you toss, you can use the snow-filled winter to test the limits of your best kayak. For you to enjoy snow kayaking, you need to see snow for what it really is – frozen water. As a kayaker, you probably already believe that there is nothing better on the water than a lightweight kayak.
Getting Good Speed When Kayaking in the Snow
If you live in an area where snow kayaking is not very common, you should expect some odd looks when people see you strapping a kayak to a roof during a snow-filled winter. What these people may not know is that the only thing you need to enjoy kayaking in the snow is speed.
Getting speed when snow kayaking is extremely easy. All you will need is a hill. When kayaking down the hill, you can even enjoy some air if you do find a jump. The only downside to kayaking down the hill or a mountain is having to drag your recreational kayak uphill.
Staying Safe When Kayaking in the Snow
Winter kayaking safety is very crucial irrespective of whether you will be kayaking on ice-cold water or snow. Obviously, your goal when kayaking in the snow is to have a good time and then return home unharmed.
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When snow kayaking, you will be dealing with extremely cold weather. You will, therefore, need to invest in everything that keeps the cold out of your body, including kayaking gloves.
When kayaking in the snow, you will be doing everything in your power to avoid a crash. Unfortunately, crashes do occur even when you are least expecting them. For this reason, you need to put on a kayak helmet before starting your adventure. You can combine the helmet with some sunglasses to keep both your head and eyes safe.
Steering the Kayak
When flying down the slopes on your kayak, you will need a way to steer your kayak. Armed with your kayak paddle, steering the vessel shouldn’t be too tough for you. For you to get the kayak paddling and steering right, you may need some practice.
Globo Surf Overview
If you love kayaking, you shouldn’t let the snow keep you away from your kayak. Snow kayaking is possible. With a little practice, you should enjoy kayaking in the snow.
Before starting your snow kayaking adventure, you must ensure you are 100% safe. You need to ensure that you won’t get too cold. Also, ensure that your head and eyes are protected.
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- How And Where To Sit In A Kayak
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- How to Get In and Out of a Kayak