When someone talks about aloe vera, the first thing that probably comes to mind is treating sunburns, soothing wounds, or conditioning hair. But the benefits of this wondrous plant go beyond topical application. Taken orally, it can help heal the body from the inside out.
That’s right! Ingesting aloe vera juice can aid in regulating blood sugar, boosting immunity, and reducing risks of a heart attack. It can also promote the growth of new skin cells, which can help heal scars and even skin tone. Keep reading to find out how aloe vera juice benefits your body.
What Exactly Is Aloe Vera Juice?
Aloe vera juice is a thick viscous liquid extracted from the leaves of an aloe plant. It’s commonly used today, as it has been found to have myriad health benefits to the body.
This healthy elixir is made by grinding or blending the entire aloe leaf, then purifying and filtering the liquid. The end product easily mixes with shakes, smoothies, and other drink varieties.
The Benefits Of Aloe Vera Juice
1. Aids In Digestion
One of the greatest benefits of aloe vera juice is treating digestive issues. The plant is believed to have laxative properties that help regulate bowel movements and soothe stomach ulcers.
When toxins build up in the gastrointestinal tract, they cause inflammation of the gut, which often results in irritable bowel syndrome. Aloe vera’s laxative agents cleanse the digestive system, alleviating the inflammation and treating gut issues.
Though many forms of aloe vera can be used to treat digestive problems, the good thing about the juice is that it penetrates the stomach much faster. Ingesting aloe in juice form even stimulates bile secretion in the gall bladder. As a result, the process of breaking fats in the body is hastened, preventing them from accumulating and causing constipation.
2. Keeps You Hydrated
Aloe vera is very water-dense, which makes it excellent for treating or preventing dehydration. Keeping your body hydrated enables it to detox properly.
If you are going out for a hike or a walk on the beach on a sunny day, for instance, add two teaspoons of aloe vera juice to the drinking water you will be bringing with you. You can have one water bottle with aloe vera water or put a small amount of aloe vera juice in each of the bottles you will be carrying. Alternatively, carry a beverage with an aloe extract.
Recovery from a workout also requires the intake of fluids. So after walking, trail running or visiting the gym, you need to rehydrate to help your body flush out the lactic acid that has built up from the workout.
Drinking enough water is beneficial to the liver and kidneys, the two organs largely responsible for detoxifying the body. Adding some aloe vera juice to it improves the functioning of these organs, leaving you with the toxin-free body.
3. Boosts Nutrients In Your Body
Using aloe vera orally is a great way to increase the level of nutrients in your body. The juice is packed with nutrients that have incredible health benefits to the body.
Among the nutrients, you absorb into your blood when you drink aloe vera juice include vitamins B, C, and E, folic acid, copper, calcium, sodium, chromium, magnesium, selenium, manganese, potassium, and zinc.
The plant is also an excellent source of vitamin B12, which is good news for vegans and vegetarians. Taking nutrient-rich foods is important in preventing most diseases. Aloe vera is practically a whole food supplement!
4. Fights Cancerous Tissues
Aloe vera juice benefits the body by fighting cancer too. Studies have shown that drinking aloe juice can help inhibit the growth of cancer cells and improve the efficiency of some cancer drugs like cisplatin.
The aloe vera gel found in the inside of the leaf contains active compounds like lectin, aloesin, and aloin that when consumed as juice have been observed to have anti-proliferative effects. They can also stop the growth of cancerous tumors.
Moreover, aloe vera juice lubricates the digestive system, which could aid in the prevention of colon cancer. The plant has also been found to maximize the effectiveness of other anti-cancer herbs.
In other studies, aloe vera juice has shown promising results in reversing the damage done by radiation therapy on cancer patients. It also diminishes metastases, hence inhibiting cancer proliferation.
5. Promotes Skin Health
The benefits of aloe vera juice are experienced not only inside the body but outside as well. Ingesting aloe juice heals sunburns and soothes the skin.
It also helps treat common skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, canker sores, and skin ulcers. You can even use aloe vera for dandruff, hair growth, and as a treatment for scalp conditions.
Aloe vera juice moisturizes your skin too, keeping it from drying and flaking. People with acne can also drink the juice and benefit from gibberellins and auxins, the two hormones responsible for treating acne.
Studies have shown that the juice from aloe vera prevents wrinkles and improves skin elasticity too. It can also accelerate the healing process of wounds.
6. Improves Heart Health
Aloe vera juice can help reduce pain in people with heart or chest problems. In one study, conducted on patients with heart pain, a remarkable reduction of pain was shown upon ingesting aloe vera. Not only that; the patients also exhibited reduced blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Aloe juice has also been observed to prevent atherosclerosis. Consuming the required amount every day can help hinder fatty streak development, hence preventing the formation of plaque and ultimately providing protection to the heart.
Intake of aloe vera juice also enables blood capillaries to dilate and keeps the arterial walls healthy. The vitamin C present in the plant is quite vital too, as it helps in the synthesis of collagen, one of the proteins required to lower blood pressure in blood vessels.
7. Regulates Blood Sugar
People with type 2 diabetes can use aloe vera to regulate their blood sugar levels. Drinking the juice regularly can help improve the sensitivity of insulin, which can consequently improve the management of glucose levels.
Aloe juice is also rich in manganese, zinc, magnesium, and chromium, all of which have been found to enhance the efficacy of insulin.
However, caution should be taken when using aloe vera for diabetes, especially if you are on diabetes medication. This is because taking both the juice and medication can lower blood glucose to dangerous levels.
Experts, therefore, recommend using one treatment for diabetes at a time. If you plan to include aloe vera juice to your treatment plan, be sure to check with your doctor.
8. Prevents Constipation
Aloe vera juice benefits people with constipation problems too. If you have trouble passing stool, try incorporating this healthy elixir into your daily diet.
Researchers have found that aloe vera juice can help increase water content in the intestines. When there is more water in this part of the digestive system, your intestines contract and relax effortlessly, enabling you to pass stool normally.
Regular consumption of aloe vera juice also normalizes the healthy bacteria in the gut, keeping your intestines healthy and functioning properly.
9. Boosts Immunity
Several studies have shown that aloe vera juice can be a great booster for immunity too. Taking a teaspoonful of the juice every day before bed can help rectify all the weak areas of your immune system as you sleep.
The benefits of aloe vera juice on the immune system include reduced frequency of illnesses, improved overall health, and even, better sleep.
The PH of your body is balanced too. When your body is too acidic, you risk making it a breeding ground for disease-causing bacteria.
Aloe vera is known to have impressive alkalizing properties and when added to foods or beverages, it can help bring the PH level of your body to balance, which can help improve your immunity. Other foods you can consume along with aloe vera juice include root vegetables, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, fruits, and legumes.
10. Promotes Weight Loss
One way drinking aloe vera juice can aid in shedding weight is its anti-inflammatory agents. Inflammation is often linked with weight gain and other metabolic problems, and that’s why aloe vera is believed to be great for weight loss.
The juice is also jam-packed with aloin, a laxative that has also shown impressive results in reducing weight. Studies have shown aloe vera juice to contain potent sterols that can help lower body fat levels too. It also stimulates energy expenditure, which reduces the accumulation of fat in the body.
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How To Make Aloe Vera Juice
Just like you can make aloe vera gel at home, you can prepare your aloe juice at the comfort of your kitchen too and all you need are leaves of an aloe vera plant and a few ingredients from your kitchen.
The most commonly used ingredient for making aloe vera juice is honey, although some people use sugar or blend the aloe leaves with fruits to get rid of the bitter taste. Here is a simple guide on how to make aloe vera at home.
- Cut a fresh aloe vera leaf from a mature plant. You can get more depending on the amount of juice you intend to prepare.
- Clean the leaves and remove the spikes.
- Cut the leaves into small chunks and put them in a blender.
- Add honey, sugar, or the fruits you want to make a smoothie out of.
- Blend until you have a smooth drink, then pour in a jar.
- If you only add honey or sugar to your aloe juice, you can take a teaspoon of the juice twice a day before meals. But if you are doing a smoothie, take only half a glass a day.
- Do this for two weeks, take a breather for two weeks, and then repeat.
Side Effects Of Aloe Vera Juice
The major disadvantage of preparing aloe vera juice at home is that you won’t be able to get rid of anthraquinone, an organic compound known to have grim side effects including cramping and diarrhea. Extreme diarrhea can cause severe pain, electrolyte imbalances, and dehydration.
To avoid these unpleasant side effects and reap maximum benefits of aloe vera juice, therefore, experts recommend buying commercially produced aloe vera juice that is fit for human consumption. ‘Fit’ here refers to juice that has been purified and that contains zero anthraquinones. You can get it online or just from the nearest supermarket.
Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, however, should not ingest aloe vera, whether bottled or made at home. Several studies link the juice to miscarriages and increased birth defects.
Similarly, people who are allergic to tulips, onions, or garlic should avoid aloe juice, as they could be allergic to the juice too. Common allergic reactions include difficulty breathing, chest pain, itchy or swollen skin, hives, and rashes.
Aloe vera juice can cause kidney injury too. The latex contained in the leaves of the plant can be harsh on kidneys. Therefore, individuals with kidney problems are advised not to ingest aloe vera juice.
Furthermore, people with diabetes should take caution when using aloe vera juice, as it can lower blood sugar levels and reduce the effectiveness of diabetes medication. Aloe vera can also lower the efficacy of drugs used as anesthesia. So, always make sure you don’t have any aloe vera in your system when going on surgery.
Q: Is It Good To Drink Aloe Vera Juice Every Day?
Yes, it is good to drink aloe vera juice every day, as the plant is known to fight and treat a range of digestive problems including gas and acidity, constipation, and poor digestion. It also helps in weight loss, boosting appetite, balancing blood sugar levels, and keeping the intestinal flora healthy.
Q: What Are The Side Effects Of Drinking Aloe Vera Juice?
The side effects of drinking aloe vera juice include stomach cramps and pain, burning and reddening of the skin, diarrhea, muscle weakness, blood in the urine, and kidney problems. Aloe vera also interacts with diabetes medication and ingesting it could lower blood glucose to dangerous levels for people with diabetes.
Q: Is Aloe Vera Good For Weight Loss?
Yes, aloe vera is good for weight loss. Daily consumption of aloe vera juice has been found to boost metabolism, which further helps the body to burn excess fat. Also, since it is a laxative, aloe juice is great for fighting water weight. It is important, however, to remember that excessive consumption of laxatives can lead to serious health problems.
Q: Does Aloe Vera Clean Your System?
Yes, aloe vera does help clean your system, all thanks to its high water content. Drinking aloe vera juice keeps you hydrated, which provides your body with a medium to eliminate and flush out toxins. This keeps your organs healthy and working optimally.
Q: Is Aloe Vera Good For Kidneys?
While aloe vera has been found to promote overall body health, juices that contain aloe latex are not good for kidneys. Latex is the yellow substance found right beneath the surface of an aloe leaf. It has unpleasant laxative properties that could cause serious kidney problems and even death. Always check with your doctor before ingesting any form of aloe vera.
Globo Surf Overview
Based on the above aloe vera juice benefits, we can conclude that this easy-to-obtain extract is incredibly amazing. You can use it to treat digestive issues, keep your heart healthy and immune system working as required, and maintain a healthy weight. It can also help keep your skin moisturized.
But if you have an existing medical condition, it would be best to consult your doctor before including aloe vera juice into your diet. Also, consider buying commercially produced aloe vera juice instead of making aloe vera juice at home.
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- Aloe Vera For Eczema: 5 Recipes That Actually Work
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- Aloe Vera For Acne: 3 DIY Aloe Vera Masks For Acne
- Aloe Vera For Hair Growth: How To Apply Aloe Vera On Hair
- Aloe Vera For Dark Spots: How To Apply Aloe Vera For Eyes
- Aloe Vera For Dandruff: How To Apply Aloe Vera On Scalp
- Aloe Vera For Wrinkles: The Incredible Aloe Vera Anti-Aging Properties
- Aloe Vera For Skin Whitening: Is It Effective
- How To Make Aloe Vera Gel
- Aloe Vera Seeds – Can I Grow An Aloe Vera Plant