Can You Eat Aloe Vera: Eating Aloe Vera Has Amazing Benefits


When you have a rash on your skin, a burn, or an insect bite, aloe vera gel is probably the first thing you think of. And that’s okay because aloe vera has impressive anti-inflammatory properties that could help you cool off that stinging skin.

How about when you are constipated, have an annoying hiccup, or just can’t get your blood sugar to stabilize – can you eat aloe vera to get things back on course?

Well, if you are like most people, aloe may not pop into your head at such a time, but tell you what, it should! You see, aloe vera is a superfood with incredible medicinal powers. Just as it is effective on the skin, you can use it internally to heal an abundance of ailments as well.

Read on to find out how eating aloe vera can benefit your body and improve your overall health.

Related: Aloe Vera For Rash

But Are All Species Of Aloe Vera Safe To Eat?

There are more than 400 species of aloe vera but only one is considered edible. Aloe vera barbadensis miller is the species recommended by experts for consumption.

It has thick, wide, succulent leaves that are green-gray, and produces cute, little yellow flowers in spring. The leaves of young barbadensis miller plants have white spots. These spots disappear as the plant matures.

Can You Eat Aloe Vera When On Other Medications?

Yes, you can. However, you need to check with your doctor, as aloe vera interacts with certain medications and can sometimes lower their effectiveness.

Diabetes medications, for instance, have been found not to work as desired when a patient consumes aloe vera juice.  Aloe is known to lower blood sugar levels and when used together with medications intended to serve the same purpose, it can lower glucose to dangerous levels.

If you plan to introduce aloe vera into your low-sugar diet, therefore, make sure your doctor knows. That way, he will advise the right amount of aloe to use to keep your prescribed medications working optimally.

6 Remarkable Benefits Of Eating Aloe Vera

Aloe vera plant benefits the human body in so many ways. Consuming the gel and other parts of the plant has been found to do the following to your body:

1. Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Aloe vera increases the sensitivity of insulin, the hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. It also speeds up the healing of wounds. Wounds take a longer time to heal in patients with diabetes, and eating aloe vera can help accelerate their healing.

Related: Aloe Vera For Diabetes

2. Reduce Dental Plaque

If used as toothpaste or mouthwash, aloe vera can help treat gum disease and reduce the build-up of dental plaque. The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera coupled with the huge amount of antioxidants in the plant have shown promising results in relieving the inflammation caused by gum disease.

The plant also has antibacterial effects that are extremely effective in inhibiting the plague-causing bacteria than commercial toothpaste.

Related: Aloe Vera For Gums

3. Boost Immune System

When your immunity is in good shape, your body can conquer both internal and external ailments. Aloe vera enhances the body’s ability to resist illness and respond to external changes. Eating aloe stimulates the defense mechanism of the body and increases its ability to cope with stress and fight pathogens.

4. Reduce Constipation

Aloe vera latex, the yellow liquid found between the skin of the leaf of the plant and the gel is a laxative. It contains anthraquinones that may help with constipation.

However, several studies have pointed out safety concerns with aloe vera latex. Too much of the latex may make your condition worse.

Related: Aloe Vera For Constipation

5. Lessen Acid Reflux Symptoms

Acid reflux occurs when the acid in the stomach flows back into the gullet (food pipe). It is characterized by a burning sensation, commonly known as heartburn.

Studies have suggested that aloe vera may help reduce heartburn and other symptoms of acid reflux by acting as a soothing and anti-inflammatory agent.

Related: Aloe Vera For Acid Reflux

6. Inhibit The Growth Of Cancerous Tissues

Studies have shown that eating aloe vera can help hinder the growth and multiplication of cancer cells. This is due to the rich content of aloesin, lectin, and aloin in the plant.

These compounds have anti-proliferative properties that have been found effective in stopping the development of cancerous tumors. Some researchers have also found the plant to have the ability to improve the efficacy of some cancer medications.

How To Eat Aloe Vera

Eat The Plant Raw

‘Can you eat aloe vera in its raw form?’ is a question that has been doing rounds on the internet and you’ve probably been wondering the same too. So here is the answer; yes, you can eat aloe vera leaves straight from the plant as a snack without experiencing any side effects.

Just get a few mature leaves, clean them and remove the spines, then cut them into small slices and put them in a bowl and you are good to go. But here is the thing; don’t eat too much of it, as the latex in the leaves may have some serious side effects on your body.

Drink The Gel

There are numerous benefits of aloe vera gel for the body when taken orally. As mentioned earlier, it can help with diabetes, digestion, hiccups, and several other ailments.

You can make your aloe vera gel at home or buy a bottled one from your local pharmacy. Just cut a few leaves from your aloe plant, clean them, and scoop out the gel using a spoon. Then drink it as is.

Even though aloe gel has no known serious side effects, if you experience any unusual changes like constipation, talk to your doctor.

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Make Aloe Vera Smoothie

If you want your smoothie to have more texture, add some aloe vera leaves to it. Not only will the final product be a bit thicker but also much healthier. But as stated, the latex in the leaves of aloe vera can be dangerous if consumed in large amounts. So, make sure you are ingesting a safe amount.



Q: Which Kind Of Aloe Vera Is Edible?


While there are many types of aloe vera, the only edible species is barbadensis miller. It is characterized by dotted, green-gray, succulent leaves. During spring, the plant produces tiny yellow flowers. The spots on the leaves fade as the plant matures.

Related: Aloe Vera Seeds

Q: What Are The Benefits Of Eating Aloe Vera?


The benefits of eating aloe vera include boosting the immune system, lowering blood sugar levels, alleviating acid reflux symptoms, and reducing constipation. Aloe vera has also proven effective in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells and treating dental plaque and gum disease.

Related: Aloe Vera For Lips  

Q: Is Aloe Vera Poisonous?


Applied topically, aloe vera is not poisonous. However, oral consumption of aloe vera can sometimes be toxic. The latex contained in between the skin of an aloe vera leaf and the gel has laxative properties that can cause serious health problems if used excessively.

Q: How Do You Prepare Aloe Vera To Eat?


To eat aloe vera, just cut a few leaves from a mature aloe plant. Clean them, remove the spikes, and scoop out the clear gel. You can eat it as is or add it to a smoothie to make it more pleasant to taste.

Related: How To Make Aloe Vera Gel

Q: Can You Eat Aloe Vera Every Day?


Yes, you can eat aloe vera every day. Aloe vera is rich in antioxidants. Eating it regularly may help raise antioxidant levels of your blood. Antioxidants are responsible for reversing the harm caused by free radicals, compounds linked to most chronic diseases.

Related: Aloe Vera For Cold Sores

Q: Is Raw Aloe Vera Edible?


Raw aloe vera is edible. The safest part to eat is the gel. You can eat the skin of the aloe leaf too but do so with caution to avoid consuming too much of the latex that is found beneath the skin.

Q: What Happens If We Eat Aloe Vera Daily?


When you eat aloe vera daily, your overall body health is enhanced. This is because, the plant contains a host of vitamins, amino acids, fats, and other nutrients that provide the perfect boost to your immune system. And when your immunity is working at its peak, it can provide the best defense against disease-causing pathogens.

Related: Aloe Vera Benefits For Men

Globo Surf Overview

Aloe vera is an amazing superfood. It has almost everything your body needs to function optimally and stay in good health.

Eating aloe vera will boost your immunity, help in digestion, and keep your glucose levels stabilized. You can eat aloe straight from the plant or squeeze the gel out and add it to smoothies. Some people will prefer drinking the gel in its pure form.

Whichever form you decide to eat your aloe vera in, just make sure you are careful with the latex, as it can have some serious side effects when consumed in excess. Also, if you are on diabetic medication, make sure to check with your doctor before consuming aloe vera.

More Beach Aloe Vera Guides:



  1. Nutritional Effects Of Aloe Vera