The fishing line is perhaps the most important piece of your angling equipment, not only because it’s what you will use to bring your catch in on but also because it’s where you attach your bait and lures. A quality line can mean the difference between a successful fishing excursion and return home empty-handed.
There are different types of fishing lines for different conditions. These come with diverse colors too and each color is meant to serve a specific purpose.
If you are a beginner fisherman, trying to figure out the best color for your fishing line can be extremely overwhelming. So we have put together a quick fishing line color spectrum guide to help you decide which color is perfect for you. Let’s dive in!
The simple clear monofilament fishing line will be a great choice for most conditions. Monofilament is relatively invisible in water so it will be a bit difficult for the fish to see.
If you don’t fancy monofilament, you can try fluorocarbon. Fluorocarbon fishing lines turn transparent when they come into contact with water, making them almost invisible.
Since clear fishing lines are hard to see underwater, they are a great option for when fishing in clear water. Sure, they might make it a little difficult for you to know when a fish has taken the bait but such a line would be almost impossible for a fish to spot.
A yellow line is mostly used by anglers who want to spot movements on their fishing lines faster, especially when using a bobber. Since yellow is a bright color, this line is only used on very special occasions like when fishing in muddy water.
But just as it is easy for you to see the line, it is easy for the fish to see it too, so chances of you returning home with an empty fish cooler are still high. A yellow fishing line, therefore, will be best in gloomy or murky waters because it will be a little more visible underwater so you will be able to detect when a fish bites.
Are you fishing in an area that has lots of seaweed? Does the water have a green tint to it? How you answer these questions will help you decide whether to bring a green-colored fishing line or not. A green line is more likely to camouflage, lowering its chances of being visible.
If you are fishing in clear waters, however, a green fishing line will still be detectable. And just like the yellow line, it will be easily spotted by an approaching fish. So green has its place and time, although many anglers have found it more versatile than yellow.
Whether to go red or not is still a decision that many anglers have not been able to make. However, some say that red fishing lines are more invisible than their green and yellow counterparts, and that is mostly based on the research that showed the ability of red objects to lose their color fast underwater.
A fraction of scuba diving, snorkeling, and free diving enthusiasts have also added that red objects appear black underwater. As such, instead of being invisible, a red fishing line will appear black, contrasting the color of the surrounding water.
Another interesting theory about red fishing lines is that red looks like blood and so the line will work better. Well, this is a very common marketing strategy for companies that manufacture red hooks. They claim that the red colored hooks will get more bites and so will your line.
In our opinion, a red fishing line color is not something you would want to invest in unless you are a pretty serious angler and willing to test all these theories yourself.
Braided Lines
Braided fishing lines have many benefits but unfortunately, being invisible is not on the list. They are stronger and thinner than their monofilament cousins so they cast well without stretching. Braids are therefore great when fishing in muddy water and around heavy corners but probably not so great if you are worried about the line is visible to the fish.
But not all is lost. If you have a braided line and want to get your way around visibility, just attach a length of monofilament or fluorocarbon line to the end of your braid.
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Tips For Choosing The Right Color For Your Fishing Line
- Before choosing a fishing line, think about where you will be fishing. Colored fishing lines will work best in murky waters and clear lines will be perfect for clear waters. If you will be fishing in rocky terrain, clear water, or light cover, consider a fluorocarbon line. A fluorocarbon line does not weaken the same way a monofilament line does. Also, it stretches less so it will be easier for you to feel when the fish has taken a bite.
- Different people have different experiences and opinions on different line colors. It would be wise to ask around so you can find out what colors seem to work well in a particular area.
- Use a braided line when taking on a larger fish or angling in cloudier waters. Braids are made from woven fibers, hence they provide incredible strength and high abrasion resistance. They also don’t stretch so you are more likely to feel the end of the line than you would with a monofilament. Angling in muddy water or thick cover will reduce the visibility of a braided line.
Globo Surf Overview
Choosing the right fishing line color is important if you want to increase your chances of luring, hooking, and reeling in your catch. However, you can still get lucky using any fishing line, but knowing what color to use and when can most certainly increase your odds from zero to a hundred. The right color will help you blend properly with the surrounding water and lure more fish.