Intex swimming pools are great for people who don’t want to set up a permanent above ground pool in their backyard. They are budget-friendly, easy to set up, and can last for a decent number of years.
But as with all swimming pools, an Intex pool must be constantly maintained to ensure clean and safe water. That means cleaning it regularly and adding the right chemicals. Plan on spending a few hours per week caring for your pool and keeping it in splash-ready condition.
We have prepared a comprehensive Intex pool cleaning guide that explains how to keep your pool clean and which chemicals to add to guarantee germ-free water and safe swimming. Let’s start!
Intex Pool Cleaning: How To Do It Right
Leaves, dirt, sand, and other filth can be an unpleasant sight in a pool. They will not only clog your filter system but also throw the PH value of your water out of balance. A similar scenario would be observed with the lotions, dead skin, sweat, and other bodily fluids that swimmers bring into the water.
Regular cleaning will keep your pool spotless and water sparkling and may increase the lifespan of your pool. Scrubbing the interior, skimming the surface, and vacuuming the bottom are just a few of the tasks you should include in your Intex pool cleaning routine.
Skimming The Surface
- Dip your pool skimmer inside the pool and allow it to sink about two inches into the water.
- Drag the skimmer along the surface of the water to remove leaves, twigs, and other elements that may be floating on the water.
- Lift the skimmer off the water’s surface and discard all the dirt in it away from the pool.
Cleaning The Interior
- Grab a sidewall brush and scrub the walls of your pool. The brush will get rid of elements such as leaves, sand, dirt, and debris that are stuck in the interior of the pool. Scrubbing will also prevent the growth of algae. If the pool already has algae, scrubbing will move it into the pool and the filter system will get rid of it. You can add a pool algaecide to inhibit the regrowth of algae.
- Once you have cleaned the sides of your pool, attach a venturi vacuum to a hosepipe. The venturi vacuum will use the pressure exerted by the hosepipe to generate vacuum power that will suck debris and dirt from the bottom of your pool into the cleaner’s filter bag.
- Move the vacuum head slowly and systematically along the pool’s bottom. Work from one side to the other using overlapping strokes.
The best Intex pool cleaning routine should involve skimming the surface at least two times a week, brushing the inner walls at least once a week, and vacuuming the floor at least two times a week.
Intex Pool Chemicals Startup Kit
Adding chemicals to your Intex pool helps prevent cloudy water and stains, and is the most effective way to get rid of pool algae. It is a simple process that doesn’t take any more than an hour. Here is what you will need in your Intex pool chemicals startup kit:
1. Alkalizers
Alkalinity is what makes your PH stable, which makes maintaining the balance of the pool water much easier. The best total alkalinity level should range between 80 and 120 ppm.
To raise the total alkalinity of your pool water, use an alkalinity increaser. Sodium bicarbonate is the most commonly used alkalinity increaser. Some people use baking soda but it is not as effective.
To bring the total alkalinity of your water down, use an alkalinity decreaser. Sodium bisulfate is the most recommended, although, in an emergency, muriatic acid may also be used but in small doses.
2. PH Stabilizers
Once you have brought the total alkalinity of the water to the right levels, adjust the PH. PH is the measure of how acidic or basic a substance is. It ranges from 0 to 14. 0 is the most acidic and 14 is the most basic.
When it comes to Intex pools, the recommended PH level is between 7.4 and 7.6. To raise the PH level of your pool, use a PH increasing agent like sodium carbonate. To bring it down, use a PH decreasing agent like sodium bisulfate.
3. Calcium Hardness Adjuster
Another important item that should not miss in your Intex pool chemicals startup kit is a calcium hardness adjuster, a.k.a. calcium chloride. Calcium chloride controls the hardness or softness of your water.
The recommended calcium hardness value of an Intex pool is between 100 to 300 ppm. To raise the calcium hardness of your pool water, use calcium chloride. To decrease it, dilute the water.
Unlike decreasing alkalinity or PH levels, decreasing calcium hardness doesn’t involve adding chemicals. You have to physically get rid of the calcium and diluting the water is the only way to go about it.
4. Sanitizer
Chlorinating your water is the best way to sanitize a swimming pool but where Intex pools are concerned, the most effective way to do it is using Intex saltwater pool systems. A saltwater pool system will do all the work – it will produce chlorine automatically and add it to the water when it is needed.
Also, since these system uses only salt to produce the chlorine, the resulting chlorine will be much cleaner and gentler than the traditional chlorine bleach.
5. Chlorine Stabilizer (Cyanuric Acid)
Cyanuric acid is used to protect chlorine from the sun, which helps it last longer so you won’t have to keep replacing it. Most chlorine pool treatments come already mixed with cyanuric acid, as it is a great sanitizer.
But cyanuric acid will only work if used at the right levels. Adding too little won’t prevent the chlorine from sun damage and adding too much may render chlorine levels unadjustable.
That said, the recommended cyanuric acid levels for Intex pools are between 40 and 50 ppm. To increase the level of cyanuric acid in your water, add cyanuric acid or cyanuric acid-enhanced chlorine.
To lower cyanuric acid levels, dilute the pool water. Drain out about 7 inches of water and replace it with fresh water. Test the levels and repeat until cyanuric acid is within the appropriate range.
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6. Algaecides and Stain Removers
If you have balanced your chemicals right, then your Intex pool should be ready for swimmers, but there are still a few more items you need to throw in from your Intex pool chemicals startup kit – an algaecide, enzyme treatment/stain remover, and clarifier.
You can use an algaecide when cleaning your pool or after adding your chemicals. Either way, this treatment should be used at least once a week to inhibit the growth of algae.
To prevent or remove pool stains, add a stain remover or an enzyme treatment to your pool at least once a month.
To prevent or treat a cloudy Intex pool, use a clarifier and DE powder. Also, keep your pool water balanced.
How To Care For Your Intex Pool?
- Clean your pool regularly to get rid of leaves, dirt, debris, and algae
- Test the water at least once a week to minimize chemical demand
- Shock your pool weekly, even if you are cleaning and testing regularly
- Run your pool pump 7 or 8 hours a day
Q: How Do I Clean My Intex Pool Water?
To clean your Intex pool water, skim the water at least two times a week to get rid of leaves, sticks, and other debris. Also, brush the interior weekly to prevent buildup. In addition, vacuum the bottom at least two times a week so it stays clean.
Q: How Do You Keep An Inflatable Pool Water Clean?
The most effective way to keep an inflatable pool water clean is to drain the inflatable, scrub it down, vacuum the dirt and sand at the bottom, and then refill the pool. Also, make sure the pool remains covered when not in use, you are skimming it at least twice a week, and you are keeping the water balanced.
Q: How Do You Keep A Small Intex Pool Clean?
To keep a small Intex pool clean, drain the pool and scrub the walls to remove any dirt that is stuck on the sides. Vacuum up the dirt and debris that settle on the floor of the pool. Also, use chemicals designed for small Intex pools and test the water regularly to make sure it stays balanced.
Globo Surf Overview
Cleaning your Intex pool regularly and maintaining a proper water balance always guarantee you a germ-free, safe, and enjoyable swim. It also preserves the lining material of your pool, which increases the lifespan of the pool.
The above guide shows you how to clean an Intex pool and the chemicals you need to keep your water balanced. It’s all you need to keep your pool sparkling all year long.
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