
It’s great that you are a swimmer, that’s a fantastic activity. However, you are probably aware that your hair can truly suffer over time. The reason for this are the chemicals present in the water. Swimming pools have chemicals added to keep the water clean and safe. Among many, the most important is chlorine.

While it’s pretty safe for us, prolonged exposure to chlorine can make our hair change it’s qualities – in particular strength and color. This is why it is very important to know what the best shampoo for chlorine removal is, in order to give your hair best possible treatment.

Luckily, manufacturers are aware of this, and they are developing chlorine shampoos specially designed to tackle these problems. These products try to reverse the damage done to your hair and scalp, and also make them less prone to damage in the future. That way we can enjoy swimming and keep beautiful, healthy hair.

So, what is the best swimmers shampoo for you? Check out our swimmers shampoo reviews to find out.

Let’s get started.

How To Choose Swimmers Shampoo – Buying Guide


Not all shampoos are equally effective in solving your hair problem. That’s why you should be aware of the features you should look for in order to get the best result. Usually a chlorine removal shampoo has all these pointed out on the label (or in the description online), making it easy for you to buy the right product.

Chlorine & Heavy Metal Removal

This is possibly the most important feature for a swimmers shampoo. The shampoo you are buying has to be effective in eliminating chlorine and heavy metals from your hair and scalp. If it doesn’t, they are going to build up and cause problems down the road.

Chlorine is used as a swimming pool disinfectant, as we mentioned. Without it the pool wouldn’t be a very nice place and instead of a pleasant activity you would get rashes and infections of all sorts. This way the bacteria are kept in order. That being said, chlorine impacts out skin and hair in a bad way.

Your hair and scalp have their natural oils, which play a significant role. They keep your hair and skin safe, and more resistant to wear and damage. However, when we swim in chemically-treated water, the hair absorbs the chlorine resulting in loss of these natural oils.

This makes your hair dry like hay, and very brittle. You experience difficulty combing and you may notice breaks. In more extreme cases, this can lead to stopping the hair from growing or even hair loss. In addition, our hair follicles are weaker and absorb heavy metals easily.

This creates yet another problem. Because it’s lacking natural protection, your hair absorbs the heavy metals, copper being the most significant. It binds to proteins in you hair which leads to change in your hair color, making it green.

Now that we explained what happens, you know you want a shampoo that guarantees it can remove chlorine and heavy metals from your hair and stop all these terrible things for happening. It should be applied as soon as possible, preferably while taking a shower at your pool. If you wait to get home you give chlorine more time to cause havoc.


When you’ve successfully removed the chlorine and other unwanted chemicals, it’s a good idea to soothe your hair and scalp with a product that returns it to a healthy state. Most shampoos have moisturizers which help fix the damage that has been done.

These include vitamins, minerals, oils and other natural ingredients. Aloe Vera and vitamin E have proved to be effective in battling dry and brittle hair, but other ingredients can be as effective, or even more. You should try different products and see which go best with your hair.

Besides shampoos, there are conditioners available which you use afterwards to further increase the benefit to your hair. Some are used the same way as shampoos, applied and rinsed afterwards. Others, you apply to your hair and leave there to dry. These are the most efficient ones and are best for you.


As we mentioned, in some cases chemicals can slow down or even disable hair from growing. This presents a serious problem, especially for swimmers with long hair. Not only is your hair thin, dry, and brittle, but you also can’t grow new one to replace it.

The shampoo for swimmers hair you are going to buy has to be rich in materials that repair the damage done to hair follicles and protect it from the influence of chlorine and heavy metals in the future. This way you can grow new hair which will be healthy and strong.

In particular, your shampoo should have vitamins and proteins that incorporate themselves in damaged hair, and also antioxidants to increase protection further. Again, a good addition to this would be a quality hair conditioner to get the best possible results.

Bottle Size

This is important for a reason we previously mentioned. In order to minimize the damage chlorine does to your hair, you need to be quick. And by quick, we mean it’s best to wash your hair with a chlorine shampoo as soon as possible.

This is where bottle size plays its role. It’s not very practical to carry large shampoo bottles from home. If you’re going to take a quick shower at the swimming pool, it’s useful that the shampoo is handy and ready for use right then and there.


Always check this when buying a shampoo for swimmers hair. You should pay attention and get to know your hair, so you know which type of hair product and which specific ingredients suit you best.

Swimmers shampoos are specially targeted towards athletes and people who spend much time in the pool, so the ingredients are put in with their best interest in mind. This includes many types of vitamins, minerals, proteins, Aloe Vera and so on.

Vitamins A, B, C and E are included in certain products and they help repair the cracks in your hair, providing the nutrients it needs to remain strong. Proteins incorporate themselves in the hair follicles and cuticles and prevent heavy metal build-up. Aloe vera is known for its soothing effects, so you can imagine your scalp will be very grateful for a product containing it.

Of course, some ingredients are unwanted, particularly in a chlorine removal shampoo. Many manufacturers advertise that their products are free from sulfates, parabens and formaldehydes. This is because the great majority of regular shampoos have these ingredients. But for swimmers, these can worsen the dry hair and itchy scalp. So we advise you to read the label carefully before buying.



Q: How to prevent swimmers hair?


It’s great to think ahead and do as much as possible to prevent hair damage from happening.  There are a few tips and tricks that can greatly reduce the harmful effect chlorine has on your hair.

First of all, you should always rinse your hair with fresh, clean water before entering the pool. This way it is already soaked and it will absorb the chlorinated water to a lesser extent. If you have long swimming sessions with breaks in between, it is advisable to rinse yourself under the shower every time you get out of the water. By doing this you don’t allow the chlorine to settle in.

Also, use some of the best swimmers shampoos, like the ones we reviewed. And use them as soon as possible after exiting the pool. To maximize the effect of the shampoo ingredients it’s advisable that you use a conditioner too. This way you can be certain to prevent swimmers hair and keep it healthy and beautiful.

Q: Does swimming in chlorine make my hair turn green?


Even though this opinion is very widely spread, it’s not chlorine itself that turns your hair green. However, it does contribute greatly to you hair changing color. It makes your hair dry and brittle, but more importantly it causes cracks.

Because the natural protective oil has been eliminated from your hair and scalp, nothing is stopping the heavy metals from coming into these cracks and settling in. For this reason, your hair slowly begins to change color, and gets that green shade we all dislike.

Especially hit by this are blonde people and people with light hair because their hair color makes this changes obvious right from the start.

Q: Does wearing a swim cap help keep chlorine out my hair?


Yes, it can. And greatly so. Swimming caps are useful in preventing your hair from getting wet. This means it won’t be soaked in chlorinated water for the entirety of your swimming session. Even if water manages to come through to some extent, it won’t be even remotely same as it would be if you weren’t wearing a cap.

Also, it’s recommended to make your hair wet under the shower, and put on a swimming cap afterwards. That way you can be sure that even the small amount of water that comes through won’t be quickly absorbed.

Another idea is to apply a small amount of hair conditioner before putting on the cap. This is a good solution since your hair is protected on the go. However, don’t put on too much conditioner because it’s not good for the swimming pool if it leaks out, and it’s not considerate towards other swimmers.

Q: What does chlorine do to my hair?


If exposed to chlorine continuously, your hair will become dry and brittle. After some time it may also start falling out. Like mentioned earlier, chlorine influences the natural oils our hair and skin produce, making everything very dry.

It also leaves us unprotected, so our hair is additionally damaged from the suns harmful UV rays. We end up having splits and cracks, and our hair tangles because it’s very thin. This makes taking care of it a challenging job.

Globo Surf Overview

We feel strongly in favor of using special shampoo for chlorine damaged hair. They will help you maintain you hair the way you like it. And at the same time, you get to enjoy swimming without having to worry about the annoying side effects. The products we reviewed are excellent and you can be sure to benefit from them. You are now equipped with knowledge thanks to our swimmers shampoo reviews, and you can choose the right one for your hair and scalp.

Have you tried a swimmers shampoo that made it onto our list? Let us know how efficient it was in keeping you hair strong and healthy, as well preserving your natural hair color.

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